Staying Steady
So I'm happy at my 153 pounds, though I go up and down by 2 pounds depending on what i'm eating. Maintenance is possible.
I have been doing a clean eat from Mondays to Fridays. I discovered an amazing low carb bakery that makes flax power cookies that really get me through the afternoon hump!
When I go out on weekends, I eat what I want. Hell I've eaten bad! But I know it's okay because come Monday, I'll be eating clean again.
I'm not eating as clean as when I was doing Bernstein. I do have more protein that I'm allowed, I have low carb foods (e.g. atkins bars, but be careful they are high in fat!), and I definitely indulge in a dry wine (it has no carbs!).
This is the best thing I've ever done. No more yo-yoing, no more worrying about whether I will balloon up, no more guilt when I have a bad meal. Who knew sugar was such a bugger?